Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Man Made Excitement vs. God Made Excitement

We live in an entertainment driven society. Everything that is developed nowadays is geared to stimulate the senses of the human body. What seems to spur growth, cause synergy, and facilitate change is EXCITEMENT!!
We want to be part of something exciting...we want to see exciting things happen...we dream of having excitement in our life. Listen to some peoples' complaints: "My _____________ (fill in the blank) is boring." So they try to make things exciting on their own; whether that be a change in marriage partners, a job, a hobby, and/or their church affiliation.
You know, it would be easy to succumb to the pressure to try to make an exciting atmosphere each and every week in our ministry. Yet the simple truth is: when people see God at work, there is no better excitement. We should pray, long for, and anticipate God doing what only God can do in our midst and rejoice at his work and his invitation to be fellow workers with him. It is an excitement that lasts, preaches, and changes!! It provides a compelling testimony that God is still alive and at work.
Therefore, we attempt to help connect people to God, Godly people to lost people, and believers and friends to each other. And then watch what God does!!

Monday, May 17, 2010


I am in the process of reading a book by David Platt called Radical. Needless to say, the book fits the title. This morning while I was reading, the question came to mind: "What am I doing or what is my church doing that can be explained that it is the work of God and not based on my abilities?"
It is interesting to think about. Because if God is doing and I'm not, I can't package it and sell it. Heck, it is even difficult to transfer to another situation. What is happening that can only be explained that God is at work?