Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The Power of the Invite

Have you ever wanted to go to something, an event or a place, and all you were waiting for was an invite? Or maybe just out of the clear blue, somebody invited you to something unexpected? Do you recall what you felt? Did you feel honored, confused, trepidation, excited, or something else? A whole range of emotions can come to the surface depending on the invite.
We have to understand that our friends feel the same emotions. They may be fearful of going to a "church event" or they may be honored to be invited to your home for a party. As we participate in 4xFour, hopefully you have learned that evangelism is just as much a process as it is a one time event.
We want to encourage you to keep identifying, interceding, investing, and inviting in our community. The power of the invite can change the world!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

What a fantastic day of worship last Sunday--God poured out His Spirit is a mighty way. I am so thankful for the sweet spirit of unity at MBC and the open arms the fellowship demonstrates each day. Come join us for a time of Discipleship and Worship. To the Sovereign God be all praise and glory.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Welcome from the Staff of MBC

Welcome to our new blog. This will be a place where we share devotional thoughts, dreams, visions, and random thoughts about the ministry of Monterey Baptist Church. Grab a cup of coffee, have a seat, and join us in our ramblings!!