Wednesday, March 31, 2010

One of our local billboards advertises that they want you to have "savings, not sacrifice." The idea they have is for people to save money but not sacrafice what they are doing or what they love in order to feel the pinch of saving. Unfortunately, this could be the common theme among many Christians. We want the salvation that Jesus offers, but we don't want sacrifice our personal dreams, efforts, time, or resources that a true commitment to Christ requires. When Zaccheus was convicted of his lifestyle, he offered half of what he owned to take care of the down and out and offered to repay anyone he cheated four times back the amount he took. Jesus announced to the crowd that salvation had come to Zaccheus. He got it. Saving involves sacrifice.


  1. There are two options for people with regard to sacrificing for the better good: 1. Wait for the world/society to change so they won't have to sacrifice or make changes Or 2. Change themselves to make the necessary sacrifices to create a better environment. Most people choose 1. "It will be better later..."

    Nice topic!

  2. Then when it changes later, they still don't like it!!

  3. I saw that same bill board while driving through Kingsland, TX. I was like, do wut?? We are to die to ourselves, and take up the cause of Christ, giving up our own desires for his.
